Empowering communities, rebuilding cities

Our main goal is to assist international investors in finding the right projects for their budget and strategy in Ukraine while also helping Ukrainian communities receive much-needed private investments. We stimulate local companies with international sales of their products, creating jobs and value in Ukraine. Additionally, international companies receive support from our team to sell their products in the Ukrainian market.


Our mission is to empower international investors with expert consultancy, enabling them to successfully navigate and capitalize on the Ukrainian market. Additionally, we aim to stimulate local companies with international sales.


Our vision is to become the premier contact for both international investors and local businesses, providing innovative consultancy solutions and fostering sustainable growth and prosperity.

Our Portfolio of Services

Direct Investment Opportunities

Discover our diverse portfolio of projects tailored for private international investors in Ukraine, offering compelling return on investments and presenting a pressing opportunity for your invaluable engagement.

Ukrainian Reconstruction Investment Fund

Invest in reconstruction fund by trusting the expertise of Ukrainian Marshall. Our fund raises capital into high-potential industrial and real estate projects in Ukraine, ensuring a secure and promising investment opportunity for our valued investors.

International Sales Empowerment

We help Ukrainian companies to expand their market reach on global scale through our international network of partners.

Ukrainian Market Entry Support

International Companies seeking to enter the Ukrainian market with their products or services can benefit from the network of partners of Ukrainian Marshall.

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Direct Investment Opportunities

Discover our diverse portfolio of projects tailored for private international investors in Ukraine, offering compelling return on investments and presenting a pressing opportunity for your invaluable engagement.

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Ukrainian Reconstruction Investment Fund

Invest in reconstruction fund by trusting the expertise of Ukrainian Marshall. Our fund raises capital into high-potential industrial and real estate projects in Ukraine, ensuring a secure and promising investment opportunity for our valued investors.

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International Sales Empowerment

We help Ukrainian companies to expand their market reach on global scale through our international network of partners.

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Ukrainian Market Entry Support

International Companies seeking to enter the Ukrainian market with their products or services can benefit from the network of partners of Ukrainian Marshall.

About us

Ukrainian Marshall is a team of experienced professionals from Ukraine and the Western world dedicated to supporting the country’s reconstruction. Ukraine has received crucial support from global community in providing military, humanitarian, financial and other assistance. Nevertheless on today’s agenda is involvement of private sector for the courtiers reconstruction needs.

Our team conducts extensive research in various cities, analyzing investment opportunities across industries such as production, logistics, agriculture, real estate & construction, green energy, FMCG, and retail. We facilitate the connection between international investors and such projects while providing essential management support. Despite the war, Ukraine progressing towards EU integration, significant legal changes underway, and reduced corruption, it is opportunistic for international investors to enter the market.

Our primary objective is to foster job creation by assisting Ukrainian producers in finding new customers and encouraging international companies to establish their presence in Ukraine.

Additionally, in the upcoming autumn, we are launching our own Ukrainian Investment Fund, presenting an opportunity for smaller investors to participate in the country’s imminent economic boom.

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Frequently asked questions

“Investing in Ukraine is investing in a future EU member” – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz


Ukraine is emerging as a promising investment destination with economic potential, coupled with its abundance of natural resources and its status as the largest European country by territory. Ukraine possesses 20 critical raw materials, including lithium, cobalt, graphite, and zirconium, making it a crucial player in the global supply chain. One of Ukraine’s notable strengths lies in its talent pool, particularly in the fields of information technology (IT) and engineering.

While Ukraine has faced economic underperformance over the past three decades, the pressing need to rebuild the country in the aftermath of the illegal russian war has created a sense of urgency. The agricultural processing sector alone is projected to require up to $20 billion in investments by 2025.

Ukraine’s government is actively cultivating an investor-friendly environment, supported by legislative and governmental efforts, as well as international political and financial backing. Investing in Ukraine not only carries potential financial returns but also represents an act of honor. The country has demonstrated unwavering courage, self-sacrifice, and a commitment to democratic values in its defense against external threats. By investing in Ukraine, individuals and businesses contribute to its growth and development while aligning themselves with the nation’s resilient spirit

Most funds can only be accessed individually. A profound business plan, information about the investor and the commitment of an own investment share are needed to convince international funds to co-invest. Ukrainian Marshall is trusted partner to most funds and organizations in Ukraine. We help investors to find the right aid and subsidy-program to leverage any investment in the best possible way.

Pay attention while choosing your investment manager. Ukrainian Marshall is an international network of renowned entrepreneurs and businessmen with extensive expertise and guidance.

While various forms of assistance are available from central and local governments, it is essential to approach investments with scrutiny, recognizing that an investment inherently carries risks; by leveraging the expertise of Ukrainian Marshall, you can mitigate the need for investment insurance and ensure a thorough evaluation of investment opportunities.

Optimal investment destinations vary depending on the specific sector of interest; for agricultural investments, Poltava, Vinitsa, or Lviv-regions are highly favorable, while Western Ukraine presents promising prospects for housing projects, and Kyivarea and Western Ukraine demonstrate significant demand for logistic centers and industrial parks. Additionally, the suitable investment choice depends on your risk appetite.

Ukraine offers a multitude of captivating investment sectors, including logistics centers, industrial parks, renewable energy, residential housing, agriculture, and innovative start-up support, coupled with its abundance of natural resources and its status as the largest European country by territory, possessing 20 critical raw materials, including lithium, cobalt, graphite, and zirconium, making it a crucial player in the global supply chain. One of Ukraine’s notable strengths lies in its talent pool.

Now! The longer you wait, the more competitive market gets. Currently, the number of international investors in the country remains limited, providing bold investors with distinct advantages. We firmly believe that Ukraine holds comparable potential to that of Poland, Romania, or the Czech Republic, evoking the notion of what could have been if one had invested in those regions during the 1990s—an opportunity Ukraine presents today.

Marc Kloepfel

Łukasz Sokołowski

Vladyslav Goldakovskyi

Andriy Mokan

Olena Starovoy

Contact us

Get in touch today

If you are interested in an investment in Ukraine, wish to find an investor for your project or want to export your products abroad, please contact us here. We will come back to you as soon as possible!


+380 67 433 1078

21, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 03067, office 501

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