Medical center

The new medical center is to be constructed on the premises of a non-functioning anti-tuberculosis dispensary at 6 Alla Gorskа lane in the Shevchenkiv district of Kyiv.

Project Nr.  175

Type:  Medical center

Місто:  Київ

Спонсор:  Київське інвестиційне агентство

Investment:  5.4 M EUR

Будівництво:  1-2 роки

ROI (10 years):  7 % p.a.

Profit Payout:  Annually, after construction

Гранти:  Можливі

UA-Subsidies:  Tax-Relief Insurance:  Possible

Деталі Проекту

The new medical center is to be constructed on the premises of a non-functioning anti-tuberculosis dispensary at 6 Alla Gorskа lane in the Shevchenkiv district of Kyiv. The facility will comprise a polyclinic building, utility rooms, and a passageway, ensuring a well-designed and functional space for delivering medical services. The investment project involves the write-off of communal property, with reimbursement of its value to the Kyiv budget, and the construction of a modern medical center complete with parking facilities. The total area of the center will be 1,153.0 m², providing ample space for medical consultations, diagnostic procedures, and treatment rooms.

Private investments are essential to fund the construction and operation of the private medical center. A comprehensive financial analysis indicates positive prospects for investment returns, considering the increasing demand for private healthcare services in Kyiv, the value of modern healthcare infrastructure, and the potential for sustainable revenue generation from medical consultations, treatments, and related services.

Investing in the construction of a private medical center in the Shevchenkivsky district of Kyiv presents an exciting opportunity to contribute to the advancement of healthcare infrastructure and services in the city. The project aims to create a modern medical institution, generate employment opportunities, and promote the growth of the private healthcare network. With its strategic location and focus on delivering high-quality medical care, the center is expected to attract a significant patient base and provide long-term financial benefits to investors.

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