Multifunctional center ROI (6 years): 12% p.a.

The construction of this modern cultural center and office spaces will revolutionize the local community, fostering a hub of creativity, collaboration, and cultural enrichment.

Project Summary

Project Nr.  187

Type:  Multifunctional center

City:  Kyiv

Sponsor:  Kyiv Investment Agency

Investment:  12.7 M EUR

Construction:  2 years

ROI (6 years):  12%

Profit Payout:  Annual Payments

Grants:  Possible

UA-Subsidies:  Tax-Relief

Insurance:  Possible

Project Details

The construction of this modern cultural center and office spaces will revolutionize the local community, fostering a hub of creativity, collaboration, and cultural enrichment. The multifunctional center will serve as a focal point for various public activities, including cultural events, exhibitions, conferences, and office operations. By providing a versatile and accessible venue, the project will encourage community engagement, artistic expression, and knowledge sharing.

The increased foot traffic and demand for associated services, such as hospitality, retail, and transportation, will generate numerous employment opportunities, thus bolstering the local economy. Additionally, the ongoing operation and management of the center will create long-term job sustainability and economic stability.

Spanning an expansive area of 2,561.5 square meters, the multifunctional center will house a host of cutting-edge facilities, catering to diverse public needs. The modern cultural center will feature exhibition halls, theaters, auditoriums, and rehearsal spaces, providing a platform for artistic performances, cultural showcases, and educational programs. The office spaces will offer functional work environments for businesses and organizations, fostering innovation, productivity, and collaboration.

The project involves the redevelopment of the existing “Zagreb” cinema building, which currently requires significant investment due to its neglected and unsuitable condition. To facilitate this ambitious endeavor, the project offers an opportunity for an investor to contribute to the construction of a public purpose object. In return, the investor will be compensated for the cost of the real estate objects, while a portion of the investment object, dedicated to cultural purposes, will be transferred to communal property free of charge. The investor will gain ownership of the newly constructed facility, ensuring a favorable return on investment.


Please contact us for more information and state the above project number:

Email: or telephone: +48 662 070 358; +38 067 433 10 78

We are happy to discuss the details of this project with any serious potential investor.

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